20 Kasım 2008 Perşembe

SCC ECO serisi

Conergy SCC eco

Conergy SCC eco serisi şarj kontrolörleri kompakt, bağımsız solar sistemleri için optimum çözümdür. Conergy SCC eco şarj kontrolörünün çekirdeği, optimum şarj kontrolünü sağlamanın yanı sıra tüm güvenlik ve bilgi fonksiyonlarını da kontrol eden bir mikro işlemcidir. Ayrı ayrı LEDler örneğin pil şarj durumları gibi bilgileri açık biçimde görüntüler. Kullanıcı bu sayede her zaman sistemin güncel işletim durumunu görebilir. 3 kademeli şarj yöntemiyle (Boost, Equalise, Float) Conergy SCC eco şarj kontrolörü açık ve kapalı kurşun aküleri optimum biçimde doldurabilir. Bu sayede sulu ve jel aküler kullanılabilir. Azami akü ömrünü daha da uzatmak için şarj kontrolörleri entegre sıcaklık kompansasyonu içerir. Buna ilaveten aküyü korumak için sesli uyarılar içerir. Şase hem duvara hem de bir DIN rayına monte edilebilir.

- Otomatik 12/24-V tanıma

- Akü tipi ayarı (Sulu / Jel)

- 3 LEDli şarj seviye göstergesi

- Şarj durumu göstergesi

- Yük kapanmasında sesli uyarı

- Yük kapanma göstergesi

- Yük kısa devresi ve aşırı yük göstergesi

- PWM kontrolü (darbe genişlik modülasyonu, seri kontrolör)

- 3 kademeli şarj yöntemi (Boost, Equalise, Float)

- SOC (Şarj Durumu) ve gerilime bağlı yük kapatma

- Entegre sıcaklık ödünleme

- Büyük bağlantı klemensleri (16 mm²ye kadar)

- Tam elektronik koruma

13 Kasım 2008 Perşembe

Recent Developments on PC+PLC based Control Systems for Beer Brewery Process Automation Applications

This paper appears in:
SICE-ICASE, 2006. International Joint Conference

Publication Date: Oct. 2006
On page(s): 1053-1056
Location: Busan,
ISBN: 89-950038-5-5
INSPEC Accession Number: 9440990
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/SICE.2006.315748
Current Version Published: 2007-02-26

Manufacturers are continuing to do their best efforts for cost effective production systems in order to contribute consumers' requirement. Such environment carries plant operations using quite flexible control systems such as PC (personal computer) - PLC (programmable logic controller) combination control systems called PC+PLC based control system. However, almost PC+PLC based control systems has been applied for small to medium scale processes which have the hundreds I/O points or less. We have jointly developed the new large-scale application systems in applying PC+PLC based control systems for beer brewing plants. Through those projects we come to the practical and effective PC+PLC based control systems' application for quite large-scale processes with enough production performance and flexible operations

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What is Nanotecnology

Nanotechnology, sometimes shortened to "Nanotech", refers to a field whose theme is the control of matter on an atomic and molecular scale. Generally nanotechnology deals with structures 100 nanometers or smaller, and involves developing materials or devices within that size.

Nanotechnology is extremely diverse, ranging from novel extensions of conventional device physics, to completely new approaches based upon molecular self-assembly, to developing new materials with dimensions on the nanoscale, or the scale of nothing, even to speculation on whether we can directly control matter on the atomic scale.

There has been much debate on the future of implications of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology has the potential to create many new materials and devices with wide-ranging applications, such as in medicine, electronics, and energy production. On the other hand, nanotechnology raises many of the same issues as with any introduction of new technology, including concerns about the toxicity and environmental impact of nanomaterials, and their potential effects on global economics, as well as speculation about various doomsday scenarios. These concerns have led to a debate among advocacy groups and governments on whether special regulation of nanotechnology is warranted.

8 Kasım 2008 Cumartesi

Closed Cycle Gas Turbines

Closed Cycle Gas Turbines

Order #: 802264
ISBN #: 0791802264
Published: 2005
Product Type: Print-Book
No. of pages: 300
By Hans Ulrich Frutschi

This book is a valuable and unique addition to the power generation literature. The author has decades of experience in the gas turbine industry, and he trained under the father of closed-cycle gas turbines, Dr. Curt Keller of Escher-Wyss in Zurich.

Closed-cycle turbines experienced a resurgence of interest in the 1980s and remain a promising technology going forward in the 21st century. There is currently no comparable book available that covers both the history and future potential applications of closed-cycle gas turbines.

This book is intended for design engineers and engineering managers in the worldwide gas turbine/power generation industry.

About the Author

Table Of Contents



Chapter 1 The Special Characteristics of Closed-Cycle Gas Turbines

Chapter 2 Realized Installations

2.1 The AK36 Test Installation, 1939

2.2 Coventry, 1949

2.3 Clydebank, 1950

2.4 Clydebank, 1951

2.5 Paris, 1952

2.6 Dundee, 1954

2.7 TUCO 52, 1955

2.8 Ravensburg, 1956

2.9 Toyotomi, 1957

2.10 Altnabreac, 1959

2.11 Rothes, 1960

2.12 Oberhausen 1, 1960

2.13 Coburg, 1961

2.14 Kashira, 1961

2.15 Nippon Kokan, 1961

2.16 IN-10 Ship Propulsion Turbine, 1961

2.17 ML-1 Nuclear Plant, 1962

2.18 La Fleur, Helium Turbine, 1962

2.19 Haus Aden, 1963

2.20 Phoenix, Helium Turbine, 1966

2.21 Gelsenkirchen, 1967

2.22 Vienna, 1972

2.23 Oberhausen II, Helium Turbine, 1974

2.24 HHV Helium Test System, 1981

Chapter 3 The Main Components

3.1 The Turbo Set

3.2 The Air Heater

3.3 Recuperators

3.4 Cycle Coolers

3.5 Arrangement of the Main Components

Chapter 4 Thermodynamic Characteristics of

the Closed-Cycle

4.1 Effect of the Pressure Level on Size

4.2 Effect of the Pressure Level on Efficiency

4.3 Effect of the Pressure Level on the Heat Exchanger

Chapter 5 Control and Operational Performance

5.1 Part Load Performance

5.2 Transient Performance

top of page

Chapter 6 Thermodynamic Performance

Chapter 7 Closed-Cycle Gas Turbines in Cogeneration Plants

7.1 The Theory of Cogeneration with Closed–Cycle Gas Turbines

7.2 Practical Processes

Chapter 8 Studies Performed

8.1 Helium and Carbon Dioxide Turbines for a Fast Breeder

8.1.1 The Integrated Version

8.1.2 The Indirect Version with a Secondary Carbon Dioxide Cycle

8.2 The HHT Project–A High-Temperature Reactor with a High Powered Helium Turbine

8.2.1 The Reference Plant

8.2.2 Cycle Data of the Reference Plant

8.2.3 Arrangement of the Cycle Components

8.2.4 The Design of the Turbo Machinery in the Reference Installation

8.2.5 General Conditions

8.2.6 Description of the Turbo Set Design

8.2.7 Single-Loop System with Inter Cooled Compressor

8.2.8 An HHT plant in a Combined Cycle Configuration

8.3 Helium Turbines for the Use of Solar Energy

8.3.1 Sensitivity Analysis

8.3.2 Part Load Performance

8.3.3 Control System

8.4 Nitrogen Turbines for Re Gasifying Liquid Natural Gas

Chapter 9 Semi-Closed-Cycle Gas Turbines

Chapter 10 Closed-Cycle Gas Turbine Process with Steam Injection

Chapter 11 Outlook



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Small “Hybrid” Solar and Wind Electric Systems

According to many renewable energy experts, a small “hybrid” electric system that combines wind and solar (photovoltaic) technologies offers several advantages over either single system.

In much of the United States, wind speeds are low in the summer when the sun shines brightest and longest. The wind is strong in the winter when less sunlight is available. Because the peak operating times for wind and solar systems occur at different times of the day and year, hybrid systems are more likely to produce power when you need it.

Many hybrid systems are stand-alone systems, which operate “off-grid”—not connected to an electricity distribution system. For the times when neither the wind nor the solar system are producing, most hybrid systems provide power through batteries and/or an engine generator powered by conventional fuels, such as diesel. If the batteries run low, the engine generator can provide power and recharge the batteries.

Adding an engine generator makes the system more complex, but modern electronic controllers can operate these systems automatically. An engine generator can also reduce the size of the other components needed for the system. Keep in mind that the storage capacity must be large enough to supply electrical needs during non-charging periods.

Battery banks are typically sized to supply the electric load for one to three days.

Spray - On Solar - Power Cells Are True Breakthrough

The problem with cheaper oil is that people then don't feel as great a need to invest in alternative energies. I have seen more innovations and more alternate energies being used in the past few years than in the past few decades. Look at the oil crisis of the 70's. After that the auto manufacturers looked into building more efficient vehicles. Now they should be looking into electrics that can be charged by solar power and get off the oil completely. Cheaper oil won't persuade them to do that.

Solar Energy technology Breakthrough!

What is Turbine ?

A turbine is a rotary engine that extracts energy from a fluid flow. Claude Burdin (1788-1873) coined the term from the Latin turbo, or vortex, during an 1828 engineering competition. Benoit Fourneyron (1802-1867), a student of Claude Burdin, built the first practical water turbine.

The simplest turbines have one moving part, a rotor assembly, which is a shaft with blades attached. Moving fluid acts on the blades, or the blades react to the flow, so that they rotate and impart energy to the rotor. Early turbine examples are windmills and water wheels.

Gas, steam, and water turbines have a casing around the blades that contains and controls the working fluid. Credit for invention of the modern steam turbine is given to British Engineer Sir Charles Parsons (1854 - 1931).

A device similar to a turbine but operating in reverse is a compressor or pump. The axial compressor in many gas turbine engines is a common example.

Analyzing Your Electricity Loads

Calculating your electricity needs is the first step in the process of investigating renewable energy systems for your home or small business. A thorough examination of your electricity needs helps you determine the following:
* The size (and therefore, cost) of the system you’ll need* How your energy needs fluctuate throughout the day and over the year* Measures you can take to reduce your electricity use.
Conducting a load analysis involves recording the wattage and average daily use of all of the electrical devices which are plugged into your central power source, such as refrigerators, lights, televisions, and power tools. Some loads, like your refrigerator, use electricity all the time, while others, like power tools, use electricity intermittently. Loads that use electricity intermittently are often referred to as selectable loads. If you are willing to use your selectable loads only when you have extra power available, you may be able to install a smaller renewable energy system.
To determine your total electricity consumption:

Multiply the wattage of each appliance by the number of hours it is used each day (be sure to take seasonal variations into account). Some appliances do not give the wattage, so you may have to calculate the wattage by multiplying the amperes times the volts. Generally, power use data can be found on a sticker, metal plate, or cord attached to the appliance.*
Record the time(s) of day the load runs for all selectable loads.
See Learn More on the right side of this page (or below if you’ve printed it out) for resources and tools to help you analyze your electricity loads.
For information about determining the overall energy efficiency of your home, see energy audits.